Some things to brighten your day or teach you something new!

Hello, all! Happy Easter to those who celebrate it- I hope your holiday is filled to the brim with joy and good memories. Today I wanted to share some of the cool things on the Interwebs I’ve found recently. I hope you enjoy this list- I even included a few of my favorite things this Spring.








✿ Pretty much any Dog Whisperer or My Cat From Hell episode, ever.



✿ Light or Pastel colors.


✿ Raising some gorgeous indoor plants.

That’s it babes- I hope you enjoyed the links and learned something interesting.

Much love from my house to yours,

Violet XO

Oh, Spring, it’s been too long!

To my fellow Pagans or Wiccans, merry meet and happy Ostara! It’s so exciting to welcome Spring after such a harsh Winter. I’m wishing you all bright blessings and a joyful celebration. For those who are unaware of Ostara and are curious about it, here are a few links:

You Call It Easter, We Call It Ostara

It’s a very blessed holiday considering it is also a New Moon tonight AND a solar eclipse! I’m going to deck myself out in pastels and flowers, and plants some new seeds today. Then, when I go to work, I’m going to do my best to be as cheerful and positive as possible (and maybe grab a little cake for my friends and family).

Blessed be, y’all. I hope your day is incredible.

Much love & Good vibes,

Violet XO

New Chapters + Goals

Hello, darlings.

I’m happy to say that the semester is officially over (!!) and I’ll now be able to get back on track with this blog. The past few months of schoolwork and such are done and it’s time for me to process what has happened; i.e. not talking with or hanging out with friends as much, tons of stress over grades, not meeting my own expectations in finals, and the ending of a wonderful, enlightening class about Counseling/Interviewing. Right now, I’m in the process of accepting that this semester wasn’t perfect or incredible and that it is all over.

But all things end.

Tonight is the beginning of a new chapter in my life. Yes, I totally just used a shitty cliche. But damn if it doesn’t apply to the situation perfectly! So while I’m accepting these things I’m also going to be setting up some good goals for myself for the glorious rest time that I have between semesters. I’m going to illustrate those goals, put them up in my room so I can see them every day, and work hard towards them every day. I’m still going to rest a lot (I need the rejuvenation, I worked my butt off this semester!) but I also want to be productive and proud of myself, too.

I feel like even though every day is a fresh start and a blank canvas, this time is going to be more of a new day than ever. I’m excited for what the future holds for me. I’m slightly terrified of what it holds, too. I mean, what if I fail? What if I disappoint myself again?

All I can say to this fear and doubt is: *shrug*


Seriously- I can’t chance being fearful and not getting anywhere. I need to keep on walking forward, even if it means taking tiny steps some days and a couple steps back some others.

What does this time of year feel like for you? Are you making new goals? What would you like for the rest of 2014?

“Damn, Nature. You scary!”

Hey there, dolls. Yes, I did just have a Kourtney Kardashian moment. I have no shame. Zero.

It’s one of those great, lively days where I realize how crazy and brilliant life is. A lot of times I come to this realization through viewing nature. Like today, when half an hour ago the house was suddenly engulfed in darkness. It was a super sunny, bright morning. Now however, I can hear the gentle pattering of rain on my windows and feel the vibration of thunder through the floorboards. It’s insane how quickly nature transitions! Makes me really appreciate how wondrous and powerful it is. Plus, gloomy weather like this happens to be super comforting!

Today’s post is quite short; I just wanted to share my little piece of happiness with you guys. I’m hoping you are all safe and cozy inside and feeling good about the day. Wishing you all peace and comfort right now.

In the wise words of Russell Baker, “Ah, Summer, what power you have to make us suffer and like it.”

& the possibly even more clever Peter Griffin:

“Damn, Nature. You scary!”


Garden Witchery

Happy Tuesday, people of the Interwebs! Sorry I didn’t post the flower spell last night, I honestly wasn’t feeling it. I was pretty grumpy. However, today is a new day and I’m pointing my face towards the sunshine- though some gloom and rain would be super appreciated, Mother Nature. I won’t be posting a ton on Wiccan topics since I’m still in the learning process, but if it’s relevant or when there is a Sabbat or Esbat coming up (These are sort of like holidays or days for sacred celebration) I’ll write a post or two. I figured with spring coming to an end and summer arriving shortly it would be a lovely time to talk about a little Garden Witchery.

Do you remember hearing the advice from older folk to talk to your flowers? I’ve heard this wise advice a few times and not surprisingly discovered it may have its roots in old Pagan culture. Wiccans and Pagans tend to get a pretty shitty rep in modern media, but magick isn’t some Hocus Pocus. I mean, there are wands involved (along with various other symbolic tools, like in most religions) but at least in my eyes, it’s more of a focused self-aware thinking. Many things we do in our daily lives (spring cleaning, putting good intentions into cooking/baking, and hanging mistletoe and similar holiday greenery up around the house in the winter period) are actually traditionally Pagan. As you see, there’s nothing extremely weird about those things; they are simply traditions that call upon us to live in the present and use our power to create a loving, nature-centered, and safe environment. That was sort of a murky explanation ha, but Wicca can be hard to describe sometimes.

Well, the older people were onto something: plants react and may grow when surrounded by vibrational stimuli. Our voices and spoken words involve vibrations, and according to research plants may best grow when around music. Most of us don’t want to set up a stereo next to our gardens that plays music 24/7, so singing or speaking to your flowers is the next best thing. To learn more about helping your plants to go, check out this interesting source:

My small spell that I speak or sing to flowers is this (feel free to create your own if you’d like to try it for yourself!);

Sweet little blossoms

stretching towards the Sun,

May your petals unfurl

and stems grow strong.

May you live in peace

with the birds and the bees,

drink your fill from rain

and feel love from me.

You can sing or speak these when watering or grooming your garden. As long as you truly mean and believe it, the magick will begin its work. Try to think positive, calm, loving thoughts when gardening. And if you’re not Wiccan, simply enjoy the happiness the garden gives you and let the plants soak up those healthy vibrations!

Are you growing anything in a garden this year? What are your favorite flowers? Do you have any gardening/planting tips for us beginners (this is my first time in ten years)?

Spreading some love ♥

Good afternoon, Interwebs! How is everyone’s day so far? It’s very bright and sunny out where I am- there are flowers peeping out from everywhere! Although I’m personally partial to gloom and rain, I have to admit that seeing the grass look like little blades of emerald is magical to see.

And what else is magical?


Yes, you.

Your words. Your thoughts & actions & quirks & laughter.

Everything you are and do is powerful, and influences your entire life and all it touches.

So today, use your power for good. Love yourself, love others, and let your kindness touch all corners of the earth! I feel good about myself today, and I want you to, too. So do something to pamper yourself and help someone else out. It can honestly change everything.

What would you do if you truly believed in yourself and your ability to transform things? Would you act any differently than you do now?