Feel Good Favorites: PART TWO

Good morning, beautiful reader! I hope you’re having a fabulous week or, if you’re not, that your week gets better each and every day. I now have an adorable baby nephew! Now I have six nieces and nephews, each as awesome as the next. It seems like both parents and kids are totally enamored with the little dude. My parents and I took some time to visit the bro’s cute family and helped them out with everything- hell, that many kids are a lot to handle! After hanging out with the youngin’s and fawning over the new kid, I feel a bit more refreshed. There’s just something so crazy and wonderful about holding a tiny human in your arms. And then the bonus of teeny cute hands holding onto your finger! *tries not to squeal*

Anyhoo, I’m back to finish up my list of what brings me joy, gives me life, and makes me feel damn good. Once again, these aren’t groundbreaking or revolutionary ideas, they’re just what have personally helped me. I hope they help you out in some way!

Keeping a reusable water bottle with you everywhere you go. Of course staying hydrated is hella good for the body and skin, but it also happens to do wonders on one’s mood. Sometimes when we feel grumpy for no real reason, the culprit is dehydration. I try to drink eight glasses of water a day, but it’s easy for me to forget and then I end up with a headache or just a lower mood. So far the most effective reminder to stay hydrated is to bring around a reusable water bottle- you’re being environmentally responsible (not picking up a new water bottle every time you go out) and being kinder to your mind and body.

Have a go-to playlist for lifting your spirits. I promise, it doesn’t matter if it’s Norwegian heavy metal or old-school folk music. Whatever music brings you the most joy- the swaying your hips and dancing around the house kind of joy- is what you should listen to. Music is an incredible and beautiful way to feed your soul, and of course singing and dancing can benefit your physical health. My current favorite songs are the entire Cry Baby album by Melanie Martinez. I’m a huge fan of hers and I freaking adore how each song in the album contributes to a specific story-line. Whatever sounds your heart desires, turn up you speakers and dance your (cute) ass off!

Lastly, learn about something new every day. I started doing this activity to help my brain stay sharp while I’m not in school and because I genuinely find great joy in learning. Watch a documentary on a topic you’re not well-versed on, read an in-depth article or book on a subject you find intriguing, or look up a tutorial on how to do something you’ve never done before. Even if your projects don’t turn out well or you end up not enjoying the video, it feels good to gain knowledge/a new skill; or just to know that you can cross one area of study off your list if you’re like me and still looking for your passion.

That’s all for today, internet buds. I hope this list inspired you to try some of these tips or find what works for you. I’m wishing you all luck in figuring out what best makes you feel good.

Tons of love and good vibes,

Violet XO

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